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Water treatment at the point of consumption
Product Introduction:
Chloritard is a pouch that is suspended in water tank, at the point of consumption to obtain safe water useful for drinking and other purposes.
Need of Chloritard:
The incidences of water borne diseases are found to be 3000 to 4000 times higher in the families treating only drinking water using sophisticated equipment with latest technology and even boiling water. These findings are statistically, scientifically significant and are accepted, are published in leading Health Journal from London : The Lancet March 1997.
The use of contaminated water can result in water borne disease. For example, one person with cholera excretes 1013 infectious bacteria every day. The infectious dose of cholera is about 106 bacteria or so, thus theoretically one person can infect up to 10 million people every day !!
Chloritard :
The most effective technology best suited for point of consumption water disinfection. Chloritard can simply be described as “ scientist’s dream product ” as it fulfills all the criteria for purified water.
CHLORITARD is the unique way to treat / disinfect entire bulk of water required for all activities at the 'Point of consumption ‘. When a CHLORITARD pouch is suspended in a water storage tank, it releases chlorine slowly in the water for a period of atleast 30 days continuously. CHLORITARD pouches are available in various sizes depending on Tank Capacity and daily water consumption. Slow release of chlorine of this measured dose is adjusted to kill present bacteria and to maintain desired level of free residual chlorine. Thus, the water treated with CHLORITARD becomes totally safe to use.
Salient Features :
The application of Chloritard does not require Machinery, Electricity, Skilled operator and Daily monitoring
Slow release of chlorine offers much longer shelf life, as compared to that of bleaching powder
The advantage of Measured Dose with slow release mechanism avoids excess chlorination
Calcium does not get transferred to water but remains in the pouch when CHLORITARD pouch is suspended in water storage tank . This eliminates problem of sludge formation
Use of Chloritard at the point of consumption does not give time to bactreia to grow, as water is consumed immediately as soon as it is out of water tank
Able to provide a residual effect for sufficient time to guard against re contamination and be in line with the internationally accepted guidelines on water quality
Simple and safe to use, distribute and transport, including in remote areas

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